Heaven & Earth

Heaven & Earth

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

>>  "Look past your thoughts so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment" - RUMI  <<

Reiki is a beautiful technique thats helped me relax and reconnect to the present moment. I became a Reiki Practitioner in June of 2012. I found that getting into this healing art was very natural for me and felt like the obvious next step on my journey. 
In the past four years I've gone from experiencing Reiki to becoming a Reiki Practitioner currently practicing out of my home in Camp Hill and at Reiki Space off Linglestown road in Harrisburg, reikibyrickie.com
I titled this blog the Art of Reiki because I am also an artist and my art can be seen at: kellymcgeeartist.blogspot.com. Enjoy!


Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key)  is a gentle, holistic, hands-on-healing technique for stress management, deep relaxation and personal growth. Reiki was founded in Japan in the late 1800's and is now practiced all over the world. 

Reiki works for your highest good and blends with other healing techniques. For example, Dr. Oz's wife Lisa is a Reiki Practitioner and he has a practitioner present while doing open heart surgeries. 

It is safely used on everyone and the effects are always positive. 

Reiki can help:
Pain Relief
Improves Sleep
Emotional Healing
Direction & Clarity
Personal Growth
Self Love and much more

Reiki helps us relax and reconnect to the present moment. 

The essence of reiki is L O V E and many people report feeling happiness, clarity and peacefulness after a session. 

How does reiki work:
Reiki is based on 2 principals:
1. Everything alive is made of energy
-Einstein said "Everything is energy and thats all there is to it!"
2. Our body naturally knows how to heal
-We get a cut and a scab forms over the wound

Thoughts are energy and affect the body. Stressful thoughts create stress in the body. Stress can cause blockages that make us feel dull, detached, sad, anxious and worried. 
>(For a scientific look into how our thoughts affect our body check out "Hidden Messages in Water" by Dr. Masaru Emoto) 

Reiki gives an overall body treatment that reduces stress in the body and helps restore balance to the mind, body and spirit. 
Reiki goes to the root of the problem and heals the whole person.

>>To HEAL means to become WHOLE<<

During a session the client draws through the practitioner the energy they need to bring themselves into a balanced state so they have a place from which to heal.

"The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." -Caroline Myss

My Home Reiki Room
What to Expect for your first session:

 A reiki session lasts any where from 45 minutes to an hour. The client will come in and we will talk for a few minutes about what brought them in. "How are your thoughts today?" I find that stress is one of the main reasons people seek out Reiki. Next they get on the Reiki table and the only thing they have to take off is their shoes.The client is fully clothed lying face up usually under a blanket. I start with my hands placed over the head neck and shoulders. After I'm done working on these areas an eye pillow is placed over the eyes for added comfort and to help the client relax. The only thing the client needs to do is let go and allow the healing to happen.

*Quick note on healing- "When most people think about 'healing,' they focus on the notion of someone suffering from an ailment or injury who 'gets better.' "Getting better" is far too limiting a definition of healing. Healing, as we often tend to think of it may well be about the alleviation of symptoms, diseases, infirmities and other notable hindrances. Healing is also the restoration of the person to spiritual wholeness. In essence, healing is this: the release or removal of a block or interference that has kept us separate from the perfection of the universe." -Dr. Eric Pearl.

Some people fall asleep they are so relaxed and that is okay! Next I move down the right side of the body placing my hands slightly above the body and sometimes putting my hands directly on an area of the body. After that, I work down the left side of the body and end at the feet. The hand positions go in line with the Chakras or 7 energy centers of the body which also correspond to major glands of the body. During a session the client might be feeling the energy, warmth, cold, a magnetic pull, a cool breeze or nothing at all. Either way the energy is flowing. There is usually light music playing in the background and I may use an essential oil on my hands. When the session is over I step out to leave the client in their own space for a few minutes while I get them some water. Its important to drink a lot of water after a Reiki session because it can be detoxifying. When I come back in I ask the client if they want to share what they experienced during their session. We may talk for a little and then the session is over. I encourage anyone who is getting Reiki to keep a little journal, it may come in handy for any insights or pieces of wisdom gathered during their sessions. 
Reiki is preventative maintence, its grounding and connects us to the bigger picture and also to our true selves, our deeper inner knowing. 

>>"I have arrived, I am Home, in the Here in the Now, I am Solid, I am Free, in the Ultimate I Dwell. << Thich Nhat Hanh

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